Saturday, 8 November 2014

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Biography

The slow cooker is becoming the most popular appliance in town, and for good reason! From dinner to side dishes to dessert, you can throw almost anything in a crock-pot for delicious, slow simmered flavor. Check out our favorite slow cooker recipes and have your meal practically cook itself!
We all have that one recipe.

The one that doesn’t even require a peek at the recipe card. The one that’s your standby and always saves the day when you have no idea what’s for dinner. You know what I mean …

True story: When my little ones dash into the house after school, if their first whiff of home is the incredible aromas of this chicken … well, they do that silly fist-pump move where they make a fist and say “YEAH!!!” while pumping an arm up and down. Uh-huh … that really happens … because it’s sooo goooood.

I was sure everyone on the earth had the recipe for my go-to. It was super popular on Pinterest a few years back, and I tell pretty much everybody I talk to about it. So, I just assumed everyone must make this constantly.

I guess not!

I mentioned this recipe to Shelley, and she looked at me like I was loony. She’d never heard of it! (When this happens, I joke that she lives under a rock. She knows so much about so many things, and has tried pretty much every food known to man, so if I come up with something new to her, I do my own little dance. Well, it’s more of me just clicking my heels. Alright fine. I usually just high-five. Myself.)

THK 3-Ingredient Chicken4

Ok anyhow …

If Shelley didn’t know anything about this, we realized there must surely be others out there whose lives have a similar gaping hole. But no more … today we’re gonna fix that!

So this recipe. This is the one that I make all. the. time.

Best part? It goes in the crock-pot. Yes, friends. We’re talking a 5-minute prep, and then you just let your slow cooker work its magic. You’ll just need another 5 minutes to finish the dish before you sit down to eat. Serious.

I went back and scoured my Pinterest boards, my pins, my notes – and I can’t figure out who to credit for this awesome recipe. In my research, I saw a reference that Weight Watchers had a recipe like this years ago, so we decided that must have been the genesis of the whole idea. But a google search and a search of the Weight Watchers site didn’t yield a similar recipe we could link to for this. Ah, well … we’re gonna give them the credit, anyway!

THK 3-Ingredient Chicken2

In typical THK fashion, we both needed to test this recipe before we shared it with you all.

At first, Shelley was a little skeptical that something so incredibly simple could taste so good. But, she called me before her family was even done eating. They were loving it. Loving it.

I’m so excited her family gave the thumbs-up (possibly with fist pumps, too) – because now I get to share this recipe with you!

Ok. Get your pens and paper, because you’ll want to take very good notes here.


1. Put the chicken in your slow cooker. 2.Cover with taco seasoning. 3. Cover with a jar of salsa. 4. Walk away.

THK 3-Ingredient Chicken5

Did you get all that? Should I repeat myself?

Yep. It’s that simple!

I totally think this’ll become your “go-to” recipe. Shelley’s made it multiple times since that first (fist-pumpin’) night. And I just know it’ll soon be your fave, too!
For an easy-to-prepare meal, use McCormick® Beef Stew Seasoning with beef cubes and vegetables in your slow cooker. The beef is deliciously tender and the vegetables are infused with a wonderful beef flavor.
When I moved to the midwest I was introduced to Crock Pot cooking. I had never even seen a slow cooker before and had no idea the range of foods that could be created in a plug-in cooking pot. Since then I have had everything from No-Peek-Chicken, Swedish Meatballs and Peach cobbler, done in one of these magic devices. When my husband was an art director Aveda they had “crock pot parties,” which meant everyone plugged in their slow cookers at their desks and made a dish to share.  Brilliant! Maybe kids should bring crock pots to school and have healthy food cooking at their desks.

But, bread in a crock pot? Over the years we have gotten requests from readers to develop a method of baking our dough in a crock pot. I had my doubts, lots of them. I didn’t think the slow cooker could get hot enough, I thought it would take too long, I didn’t think it would bake through or have a nice crust and I resisted trying it. I was so convinced it would be a fail. Oh, how wrong I was. The crock pot does indeed get hot enough, and it takes less time than using  your oven, because the rising time is included in the baking. The only thing I got right was the crust, it is very soft and quite pale when it comes out of the slow cooker, but just a few minutes under a broiler and I got a gorgeous loaf. I am a convert and it is just perfect for summer baking when you don’t want to heat up your oven. You could even amaze your friends at work by baking a loaf under your desk!  *

1 pound dough (Click here for our No-Knead 5-Minute Bread Recipe. I used the Peasant Bread from The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, but the recipes from Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day would also work.)
Form the dough into a ball and place it on a sheet of parchment paper. Lower the dough into the Crock-Pot (Slow Cooker), mine is a 4-quart, but I think it will work in any size.

Update: I just mixed up a fresh batch of ABin5 Peasant Bread Dough, let it rise for the two hours in the bucket, then formed a 1-pound loaf and stuck it in the crock pot.  So, you can use fresh or refrigerated dough.
Turn the temperature to high and put on the cover. (Not all crock pots behave the same, so you should keep an eye on the loaf after about 45 minutes to make sure it is not over browning on the bottom or not browning at all. You may need to adjust the time according to your machine.)
Bake for 1 hour (this will depend on your crock pot, you may need to increase or decrease the time. If you are using a 100% whole grain dough, you may want to go for a bit longer as well). You will have a fully baked loaf of bread, but the crust is very soft, almost like a steamed bun. To check for doneness I poked the top of the loaf and it felt firm. Before it is fully baked it felt soft and almost mushy when I gently pressed the top.

The bottom crust should be nice and crisp, but the top of the loaf will be quite soft. Some folks desire a softer crust, so you will love this loaf. If you want a darker or crisper crust…

crock pot bread

Stick the bread under the broiler for 5 minutes or until it is the color you like, with the rack positioned in the middle of the oven.
Let the loaf cool completely before slicing. Cutting into a hot loaf is tempting, but it may seem gummy and under-baked.

It is fantastic with butter or as a sandwich. I love this method!

Related Post:

Gluten-Free Crock-Pot Bread – another surprise from my slow cooker

Herb Crock-Pot Dinner Rolls - Making room in your oven at the holidays

Sweet Brioche in a Crock-Pot – in the mood for something sweet

*Check with your crock-pot’s manufacturer before trying this, since some model’s instructions specify that the pot has to be at least partially filled with liquid to avoid safety or durability problems.  And never bake  in a crock-pot unattended.

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

Fast Crock Pot Recipes Crock Pot Recipes Chicken Beef with Ground Beef Easy Pinterest Beef Stew For Kids Pork Loin Chicken Thighs Phhotos

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